Thursday, December 26, 2019

My First Aid Kits - Original Writing - 2007 Words

I rounded corners against the wet wind, squinting my eyes to avoid looking at our unnatural world. My fists pounded against multiple shop doors, the lighting out in all of them. A pharmacy was found after racing down three streets, the lights flickered and doors were shut. I kicked through the doors, my foot jammed between the electronic passages until it finally gave. â€Å"Don’t leave it open! You’re insane, shut the door!† The worker was on the floor behind the register and crawled out to scream at me. â€Å"I have an emergency, where are your first aid kits?† â€Å"We all have an emergency. We need the supplies, too. Leave.† He spat. â€Å"You have ample and I have children who need them, where are they?† â€Å"Get out of the store!† He screamed. An†¦show more content†¦The door was still open, and I ran to barricade it with a nearby movable shelf. â€Å"The kits are in the back corner, the medical center.† The man was on his side, watching me with wide eyes. â€Å"Thank you.† I grinned. Scouring the aisles, I picked up a medium fabric bag before heading to the medical station and filling it with half of the store’s content. Theft wasn’t on my conscious given that a part of our city was in danger. Laws wouldn’t exist if our world didn’t. Gauze, ointment, pain killers, bandages, and other supplies filled half the bag. After that, I went to the food and water isles, where I grabbed multiple nonperishable food items. I stuffed my bag until it overflowed. My hand shoved my knife into the belt on my waist and two six-packs of water made their way into my hands. In the dark, I saw a worker sticking a flashlight into my belt. A tall blonde girl gestured to where I fought the animal, and back to me. She knew about them. She made her way to the entrance and removed the door blockade. She nodded for me to go. â€Å"Thank you.† I spoke. â€Å"Take care of things.† She told me. I returned down three more streets, looking for the building location that I had already forgotten the place. I saw Alex in the street before I heard him. He dashed into the building after seeing me. I placed the drinks in front of the rescued group. A teenage boy with

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